有色人种教职员工 对于那些自我认同为有色人种的人,想要在社区中建立社区,努力感到肯定,能够把他们的整体, 真实的自己去学校.
WE ARE (White Educators Against Racism Everywhere) 对于那些自我认同为白人并希望参与集体“由内而外”工作的人,同时了解种族作为一种权力体系,并提高对问题的流利程度,并致力于与有色人种团结一致.
社会情绪学习(SEL): 这个小组的目的是讨论和发展技能, 工具, 以及识别情绪的策略, 建立关系, 换位思考, 找到动力, 和 stress management for students 和 group members.
股权评级: Explores a range of grading practices that promote equity 和 a growth mindset in students. Applies strategies to reduce bias 和 increase accuracy when measuring student learning.
关键的朋友: Improve your practice through structured conversations (called protocols) to resolve dilemmas, 发展不成熟的想法, 为你的工作实现伟大的梦想, 调整程序, 这样的例子不胜枚举! You will come to trust, learn from, 和 support your critical friends in unexpected ways.
SEED(寻求教育公平和多样性): Develop ways of underst和ing self 和 system through the lens of various "isms" (e.g. racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, religious fundamentalism). Through structured storytelling 和 personal reflection, turn marginalization 和 特权 into agency 和 allyship.
仙女虫属有色人种会议(PoCC): PoCC是“一个安全的空间,为独立学校的有色人种和各种背景的盟友提供领导力和专业发展和网络.对于那些想要超越“101”的理解,进入课堂实用策略的人来说,这本书是很好的, 咨询, 学校生活. 注:在圣. 卢克的, there are often more people who want to attend than we can send, 和 we prioritize sending faculty 和 staff who identify as people of color.
白人特权会议: WPC“研究了特权和压迫的挑战性概念,并提供了解决方案和团队建设策略,以实现更公平的世界.由小埃迪·摩尔(Eddie Moore, Jr .)设想和推动., a truly dynamic leader, this is an emotional experience that makes everyone feel something.
CAIS学生多元化领导会议: This is a one-day conference held at a peer school in Connecticut. 对于教职员工来说,这是一个很好的机会来支持我们的积极分子学生,并获得一整天的公平和包容PD.
仙女虫属多元化领导学院: Sponsored by the National Association of Independent Schools, 这个夏天的PD是一次很棒的经历, particularly for those who would like to help lead 多样性 work in some way. 仙女虫属 does an excellent job of creating networks 和 providing resources.
多样性的方向: This organization aims to “meet the individual school where it is in its multicultural evolution, 和, 使用基于查询的方法, 提供具体的, practical steps to help the school reach its next level of development.这个夏季静修会为参与者提供技能, 知识, 和 supportive networks to sustain equity 和 inclusion efforts in their schools.